Sephora Outrageous Prisma Chrome
I first heard about these shadows from Shade of Kassie, then from Melmphs on YouTube. I've never paid much attention to the Sephora brand products before. The Sephora Outrageous Prisma Chrome eyeshadows were raved about by both Kassie and Melissa, so my interest was peaked. They have a soft, smooth formula with an metallic, pigmented color payoff. They are gorgeous applied dry and even more beautiful applied wet. And they were on sale to boot!
1. Outrageous Metallic Beige: a pink-toned champagne shade
2. Outrageous Metallic Peach: a slightly peachy gold shade
3. Outrageous Metallic Bronze: a taupey bronze
4. Outrageous Metallic Purple: a cool purple shade
5. Outrageous Metallic Grey: a pewter-silver shade

So far I've only use these shadows on their own but I think adding in other shades and texture would add some interest. Perhaps a dark, matte charcoal in the corner and outter crease with the Outrageous Metallic Purple on the lid, then a soft pink blended just above the crease as a transitional shade to blend out the charcoal and purple. I'm picturing a sultry smokey look here. I know what I'll be giving a try this weekend!
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